Adele Sommers

Adele Sommers

Adele Sommers, Ph.D. is the author of the award-winning "Straight Talk on Boosting Business Performance" success program. She helps people start up, tune up, or make over their businesses; align their life passions with their business purposes; and "discover and recover" the profits their businesses may be losing daily through overlooked performance potential.

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Holding Effective Meetings Can Be Easier than You Think!

I’m sure you’ve experienced those typical “headache” meetings! You know the kind I’m talking about — the ones where the key players are running late, no one knows exactly why the meeting was called, and there’s not a single agenda in sight. Everyone’s sitting around wondering, “Will this last 20 minutes or will we be here all day?” It’s impossible to tell!

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Labels: leadership  managing and supervising  success factors