Lynda Silsbee

Lynda Silsbee

Lynda Silsbee, B.A., specializes in human performance improvement, leadership and team development, performance management systems, and process improvement. Her diverse industry experience includes 21 years working with companies like Nordstrom, Genie Industries, and Vulcan Northwest.

Lynda is on the board of the Society of Human Resource Management--Seattle, is a certified Senior Professional in Human Resources, and serves as an adjunct faculty member of Seattle Pacific University in the Human Performance Improvement program. She is a gifted and natural human developer who keeps an eye on the strategic mission of her clients, while empathizing with employee needs.

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Identity Theft Precautions For Your Office

It happened to Bank of America when employees stole customer financial records and sold them to collection agencies. It happened to LexisNexis when hackers accessed the personal information of hundreds of thousands of people. “It” is that hot button issue on everyone’s mind: identity theft.

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Labels: managing and supervising  success factors